Sexual Addiction & Compulsions

The sexual relationship is a beautiful part of our existence.

Although all of us are created as sexual beings, not everyone experiences the joy and fulfillment that comes with having a healthy sexual relationship. Sometimes this is by choice, but other times this is due to destructive patterns of sexual behavior.

Sometimes sex and sexual activity are used to cope with the trials, tribulations, and pressures of everyday life. These coping mechanisms may manifest in the form of viewing internet pornography, random sexual encounters, and many other sexual experiences.

Acts of sexual compulsion can often lead to addiction. This addiction, like many others, has been known to destroy lives. Sex addicts have lost marriages and families, jobs and careers, personal health, and in some cases, their own lives. If you believe you are struggling with sexual addiction, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment in order to take back control of your life.

Here at FSC, we have extensive training in working with individuals and couples dealing with sexual addiction and/or sexually compulsive behavior.  We take a team approach to treatment and offer many tiers to treatment, including individual therapy for the acting out spouse/addict as well as the partner of the addict, couples therapy, as well as, different types of group therapy for each partner/spouse.  We call the program Betrayal Trauma Recovery.

If you are interested in taking the online assessment known as the Sexual Dependence Inventory (SDI), which serves as a tool to help you come to a better understanding of you struggle with sexual addictions or compulsions, please contact one of our experts for more information.

Need help? Book an appointment.

A life of joy, peace, and contentment is waiting for you. We can help you get there. Please call or email us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services and the skilled therapists that provide them.