
Five Common Misconceptions about Betrayal Trauma

September 16, 2024

Betrayal trauma is a term that has gained traction among mental health professionals over the last decade. It refers to the deep emotional wounds caused by betrayal in a meaningful relationship. While it’s often associated with infidelity or sexual betrayal, betrayal trauma can happen in various forms of relationships. Understanding this concept is crucial, but there are many misconceptions that can cloud the reality of this kind of trauma. In this article, I will debunk five common myths surrounding betrayal trauma to provide clarity and insight for those affected by it.

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Things that we should stop saying to people with disabilities & what to say instead

June 19, 2023

Have you ever been in a situation where someone says something passively? Maybe your friend starts the conversation, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but…” I don’t know about you, but it’s difficult after a comment like that not to take whatever is coming the wrong way. For people with disabilities, many passive comments are heard daily that may be well-intended but just land wrong. If you have uttered some of the phrases below, I know it was likely well-intended.

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If being (mentally) healthy was easy, I wouldn’t have a job

March 8, 2022

Mental health continues to be more understood and respected in our society, but not without challenge. Between different theories, styles, and approaches it can often be overwhelming on what to trust is the “right” answer to life’s problems. The real question to ask yourself, though, is what is the healthiest choice for me?

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Let’s Talk About Self-Care

February 3, 2022

Self-care has become such a buzz word in the media that we can barely go a day without hearing it marketed to us from all directions.
Whether it is to buy the latest skin care item or yoga class, self-care has become the marketing catch all used by everyone from big businesses to healthcare, but what is self-care? And will of its promises really bring us a better quality of life?

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A New Approach to a New Year

January 1, 2022

Very rarely have I heard a story of someone successfully sticking with their New Year’s resolutions. I have heard plenty of stories of people not making it through January before calling a quits. It seems to me that more and more people are abandoning this age old tradition in its entirety simply…

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The Obligatory Back-to-School Blog

August 9, 2021

Oh boy, back to school! How exciting and terrifying. As a general statement, I think it’s safe to say that most of us are ready for more of a routine and the school year is the best time for that. But we don’t know what we don’t know. If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it’s that

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Creating a Recovery Plan for Couples in Betrayal Trauma Recovery

June 30, 2021

One of the hardest parts as a therapist is to watch a client struggle. In the work I do, a good majority of my clients are facing the devastation of a betrayal trauma. Betrayal trauma is what it sounds like – feeling traumatized by the experience of betrayal. It is most often, but not always, associated with relational infidelity and sex addiction. This type of pain has often been described to me as one of the most painful experiences one will have in a lifetime. I also see it in the tears, questions, and tormented eyes of most of my clients.

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