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Mary's Articles / Blogs

I Don’t Hate Feelings, Anymore

By Callie Knapp | July 8, 2024

Feeling my emotions enables my ability to make wise choices and to turn what I once considered a burden, into a benefit. My willingness to feel enables new learning opportunities to better understand my system (body) and its functioning. What we avoid, we can’t learn from. I now have the ability to access my values at a deeper emotional level which allows me to identify how I want to respond (whether verbal or behavioral). I decreased my reactiveness regarding criticizing or complaining by recognizing and utilizing self-awareness.

Stop Paying Therapists!

By Callie Knapp | May 2, 2024

Stop Paying Therapists isn’t about encouraging people to avoid or quit therapy. It’s more about encouraging clients to utilize their time in therapy by being more intentional about equipping the skills and tools taught in order to graduate from therapy. We shouldn’t start therapy without the goal of completing therapy. The time we spend in therapy varies. At times it could be as brief as one session and at other times therapy can last for years. Whether it is one session or years of sessions, neither is wrong unless both the therapist and client aren’t being intentional about utilizing the time spent to assist the client’s needs. 

Vulnerability Exploitation: Twelve Typologies of Gaslighting Found in Committed Couple Relationships

By Joshua Nichols | September 26, 2023

At this juncture in our culture, most of us know the general concept of gaslighting. For those of you that are doubting your recollection, allow me to jog your memory. Gaslighting is phenomenon where one particular party (i.e., the gaslighter) mischievously attempts to cause another party (i.e., the discerning party), usually someone with whom they are intimately connected to some degree, to question or doubt their own sanity or perceptions of reality.

Mary's Videos

Mary's Online Courses

Mary's 1st Online Course - Register Now! 

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Mary's 2nd Online Course - Register Now! 

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Mary's Podcasts

Are You In Session? w/ Mary &Josie

Two friends in the mental health field share and discuss their thoughts/feelings/opinions on topics surrounding the world of therapy. With a dash of cynicism and humor, Josie and Mary have enjoyed challenging each other since their early days of grad school. Now they work together and continue to love learning from and with each other. Dare to take a peek inside their minds and enjoy the ride while they navigate the world of being “authentic selves” while working to help others do the same.

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A life of joy, peace, and contentment is waiting for you. We can help you get there. Please call or email us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services and the skilled therapists that provide them.