RecoveryTV Live: Sexual Fantasy & Other Fun Things


Are sexual fantasies bad? Do sexual fantasies have a place in healthy sexual relationships? What if I am a sex addict, can I explore my sexual fantasies with my partner?…

RecoveryTV Live: EMDR Explained


Eye movement who-bitee-what-ee? We know it’s a mouthful, but Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (a.k.a., EMDR) is a highly effective treatment for trauma. Guest host, Rebel Buersmeyer is trained in…

RecoveryTV Live: Facing the Holidays after Infidelity


There are many regular events that are often difficult to experience following the discovery of infidelity, but for most, Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be the hardest. Why is that?…

RecoveryTV Live: TV Breakdown – Ted Lasso


We couldn’t think of a better way to end the 2022 season of RecoveryTV LIVE than to talk about the funny, yet endearing show called Ted Lasso. In this episode…