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Articles by Carrie
Creating a Recovery Plan for Couples in Betrayal Trauma Recovery
One of the hardest parts as a therapist is to watch a client struggle. In the work I do, a good majority of my clients are facing the devastation of a betrayal trauma. Betrayal trauma is what it sounds like – feeling traumatized by the experience of betrayal. It is most often, but not always, associated with relational infidelity and sex addiction. This type of pain has often been described to me as one of the most painful experiences one will have in a lifetime. I also see it in the tears, questions, and tormented eyes of most of my clients.
What Is Transitional Distrust in Betrayal Trauma Recovery?
Many of our clients have reported that the pain stemming from a betrayal trauma is one they wouldn’t wish upon their worst enemy. For those who have experienced this type…