Election Stress

We are in an age of information, an era defined by mass media with influences that are undeniable and far-reaching. Our connectivity is unprecedented and the access to content is never-ending. Each day we navigate through a landscape of media that demands our attention twenty four hours per day in a non-stop carousel of reporting. There are many benefits to having up-to-date news and real-time analysis, however this relentless cycle presents challenges.

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Better Boundaries: Introducing The PARC, a New Relational Tool

Recently, I was talking to one of my close friends about how it feels to overshare with someone. She said she did not know why she kept trusting certain people with so much information about herself. She would share something with an acquaintance, and then wonder why she regretted sharing it; it was her information. Then, she said, “I regretted it because I didn’t want to share it with them. I just wanted them to care about me, and sharing it [the information about herself] seemed like it would do that.” We are taught to share information about ourselves to connect with others.

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